In January 2020 I had a strange prophetic dream in which I was told that the Earth’s human civilization would be splitting in two. The woman who told me did not identify herself, nor her motives. In fact, since I was dreaming this, I believe she was some aspect of my own subconscious mind.
Two weeks later “the virus” hit and the rest is horrific history in the making.
The lady in my dream did not tell me what the nature of the two groups would be, but during the course of 2021 it became much more clear to me: we are segregating, rather instinctively and very traumatically, into “purebloods” vs. “machine riders”. These are not my terms by the way. You can go search for these terms for yourself.
Not using government mandated covert experimental gene therapy, is only the surface of the Purebloods. For this group of us it is a natural expression of a fundamental philosophical view about the evolutionary direction our species should take to survive and thrive.
And the antithesis, using government mandated covert experimental gene therapy, is only the surface of the Machine Riders. For this group of us, it is also a natural expression of a fundamental philosophical view about the evolutionary direction our species should take to survive and thrive.
So what lurks beneath the surface for these two groups?
Well it has absolutely nothing to do with any of the traditional political issues we are used to. It has nothing to do with race, religion, sexual/gender expression or nation. Nor is this a capitalist vs. socialist vs. communist thing... nor is it a science / "anti-science" thing...
This is a brand new, and may I add, a very hard socio-political divide. Here is how I see it:
Purebloods | Machine Riders |
Organic food | Mass produced food |
Natural healing modalities | Allopathic healing modalities |
Human skills development focus | Technology focus |
Sociocratic governance | Autocratic government |
Egalitarian | Elitist |
Spiritual | Materialistic |
So here we have a thesis and its anti-thesis. Is a synthesis between these two socio-political positions possible?
In my humble opinion... no. This is a zero sum game.
...and this is why this great divide is deeply disturbing and very very very traumatic to all of us – regardless of where we stand on this brand new global, socio-political divide.
The question I am asking is this:
How can we co-exist?
How do we prevent the Machine Riders from killing Purebloods or vice versa?
The split has already occurred. The horse has bolted. The genie is out of the bottle. Pandora’s box has been flung wide open.
The only ethical and moral question left to both versions of humankind is this:
How do we prevent blood-shed... pure or genetically modified?
Can we evolve into these two visions for humanity+ in a peaceful and perhaps even a co-operative way?
Can we the Purebloods and we the Machine Riders share this planet?
Can we the Purebloods and we the Machine Riders allow “the other” to live and let live?
Perhaps this is The Test for the very survival of humanity+ ...