When we read a great spiritual text, such as the Per Tem Heru (The Book of Coming forth by Day, also ironically known as The Egyptian Book of the Dead), it is like a kaleidoscope which reveals different patterns of the whole, depending, ultimately I guess, on our state of consciousness at the the time of the reading. So here is a specific kaleidoscopic gestalt that presented itself to me during the past week, based on my meditations on the heka (words of spiritual power) of the Per Tem Heru:
I am Kepher-Ra
You are Kepher-Ra
We are Kepher-Ra
We are One
These hekau are the ancient memory of humanity as the collective Temu:
As our Star arise and come forth in the East
We, humanity, the train of our Star
Arise and come forth
We, humanity, unite with our Star, Ra
As our Star is hidden in the West
We scatter into the many separate parts of Asar’s body – our body
Continually we arise, come forth and unify
Continually we hide and scatter...
But Ra cannot forget
Ra is never hidden
Humanity is Nefer-Tem
Humanity is One
Before the alien AI fiends descended onto Geb
Before the deception of Sutek arose within our Ba (soul);
Arose within our Ab (heart-mind);
Arose within our Khat (physical body),
Humanity, the children of Ra
Was the colour of the sacred land of Khem
The alien AI fiends, the controllers
Scattered the Urti (Serpent Mother / DNA) of our Khat
Then Sutek arose like a poison in our Tree of Life (Djed / Spinal Chord)
Then Sekhmet, our Pure and Single Eye (Uatchit)
Then Sekhmet, the sacred Mother of our Life Force (Ka)
Became drunk, and hid Herself deep within the cavities of our Hearts
As our future bride, Het-Heru (Hathor)
So that we, Heru (Horus)
May have a Light (Mer)
by which to restore our Tree of Life (Djed)
by which to restore the spine of our planet (Geb)
by which to restore our individual and collective sovereignty (Anpu)
and so resurrect our fallen father, Asar
the once and future king of Tatenen (Primordial Earth)
The path of victory over the enemy, Sutek
is the inner wisdom of Ma’at
it is the wiccan rede,
the law of the witches
This epic battle for our soul,
is a battle of beliefs within our own bodies
As sure as Ra must rise in the East
the four children of Heru,
the four elements
the four corners of the Earth
Will complete the great magical Work (ur-heka) of Aset,
the eternal queen of Heaven
I am Kepher-Ra
You are Kepher-Ra
We are Kepher-Ra
We are One
An interpretation of the words:
After the solstice of a week ago (21 June 2020), the telluric (elemental) forces of Tatenen
(earth / primordial matter), has moved exclusively from a Service To Self modality, into a Service To Other modality.
This means within the next few years, (the length of this process being completely dependant on the free will choices of humanity), the people of Earth, systems, enterprises, teams, governments; relationships of whatever kind, will thrive where and when it is oriented towards the idea of Service To Other.
Those relationships, of whatever kind, that are oriented towards Service To Self, will now hit a proverbial energetic brick wall!
The effect of this emergence of the Nietzschen “overman” within all of humanity, will cause chaos in the world around us, as Service to Self relationships on all levels break down, and new Service To Other relationships come into focus.
The fastest way to navigate through this time, personally and collectively, would be to take the Great Heru (Horus) Journey within, and to literally face the inner Setek (chaos / false ego), and destroy it unceremoniously.
It is the lack of higher Will (Aset / freedom and magic) which allows chaos to linger in our subconscious belief systems. This has traditionally led us into worship of the illusory and fantastical: god, government, some savoir figure, scientism, positivism, media, super-stars, celebrities, gurus... all leading to the inevitable: nihilism.
This lack of higher Will has also compelled us on a subconscious level, to believe that “I am worthless; I am powerless; I am evil; I am only human; I am stupid; I am ugly”... the list of self limiting beliefs goes on and on... stop!
Within our own personal Heru’s (Horus) journey, every human is now forced to face the inner chaos, and overcome it with knowledge of Self, belief in the Self and higher love of Self. This transcendent warrior within each and every one of us humans, then enables the cosmic Self to manifest on the physical plain. This is the re-birth of Kepher-Ra.
And as Kepher-Ra shines within our hearts (ab), Ma’at (Cosmic Balance and Harmony; Right and True) is manifest within our relationships – Service To Other.
It is worth remembering that it is Mother Nature, who is the vital force within all of us, the serpentine Ka, who becomes the ancient observer, the green eye of Ra (Uatchit). She is this Natural and organic force of Nature within all of us, which obliterates our chaotic fantastic and limiting beliefs about the Self.
So... an absolute fast track of this cleansing process is to do whatever it takes to reconnect with Mother Nature. If it means plants, then use the plant medicines. If it means hikes, then take hikes. If it means sex, then just do it!
Here we go!!!
The Universal Mother - Aeon
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