Tuesday 28 April 2020

A crisis of consciousness

I think it is fair to say that most of us, humans, on Earth right now, are doing some degree of soul searching. We see a lot of systems that are not working as well as we always assumed... the medical system, the media system, the geo-economic system, the geopolitical system, the entertainment system and on and on. Many questions. Many points of view...

It seems to me, when we are really honest with ourselves, the vast majority of us are looking for some version of a savior:
  • the government as savior
  • the medical system as savior
  • scientism as savior
  • technology as savior,
  • religious entities as savior,
  • some new financial system as savior,
  • the galactics (ET’s) as savoir
I am going to be as blunt as I can be: none of these will save us.

What ALL of these have in common is exactly the poison that got us, humanity, into this sorry state in the first place. The poison is summarized in two words: outside authority.

Now, I have decided to come out of the proverbial closet, and tell a secret. I too believe in a savior... and it is none of the above mentioned authorities (archons). In my world-view, our personal as well as collective savoir is contained in a single word: consciousness.

That begs the question: what is my understanding of consciousness?

Consciousness is that aspect of the self which cannot be observed. It is not our thoughts. It is not our body. It is not our emotions. It is not our dreams or fantasies. When we remove everything that can be observed, that which remains is the observer. This observer is consciousness.

This observer is the Unborn Self. This observer exists in no-time, no-space and no-energy. This observer is the zero-point, quantum vacuum, source or great spirit. This observer is innate to all of Life, but it is not the thoughts, emotions or quantum physical forces of Life.

Why is observer / consciousness our savior?

As has been succinctly proven within quantum mechanics (double slit experiment), the quantum state is really a super-position of states: it is this, it is that, it is both, it is none of the two. This gives us a very powerful self realization:
  • we are one,
  • we are an infinite many, 
  • we are both, 
  • we are none of the two.
So, once we have our linear minds wrapped around this self-evident philosophical insight, we understand that this state of being, where we know ourselves to be the observer of experience, and not the outside drama, this creates:
  • a realization of the ultimate sovereignty of the individual observer
  • a realization that all observers are one
And these two realizations brings an interconnection with Life, compassion and flow – the Tao.

I leave you with the words of the late, great Terence McKenna:

What we are experiencing is a crisis of consciousness.

Do we have help?

Yes. We have the teaching plants. We have Mother Nature. These will help... but will not save us. The global collective salvation is within, NOT without.


  1. Thought provoking - one of the 'tools' we have to try and 'understand/make sense' of things as they are!?

  2. Thanks for the feedback! Absolutely! We are in a co-creation with Mother Nature. Her consciousness can be accessed via the plants, or meditation or both :)


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