Wednesday 10 July 2024

The Big Creator School Hijack

Human Beings are offspring, sparks, if you will, of Prime Creator.  

As extensions of Prime Creator, Human Beings are Creators-In-Training.

Now, the Earth experience is a school in which Human Beings gain mastery over our inner primordial chaos. When we master our inner chaos, we promote to Being Creators of our own universes, and/or co-creators of universes with each other – ascension.

This is the big picture. But as the saying goes: the devil usually lays in the details...

It seems that the Earth mastery school co-created carbon-based biological simulation, has been hijacked by an invasive force which is alien to our universe. Because of our psychic vulnerability, in our “pre-mastery” state, where we human beings are still exploring the boundaries and consequences of chaos, the alien invaders gaslighted us into accepting our own dis-empowerment in so many ways, it truly makes the head spin once we start to wise up to it.

After tricking us into accepting our own dis-empowerment, the alien invaders presented itself to us as the answer to all our problems:

  • To the right-brain leaning, the alien invaders presented itself as an all-powerful, all-knowing and jealous GOD.
  • To the left-brain leaning, the alien invaders presented itself as an indispensable centralized collectivist system, an amalgamation of big media, big government, big tech, big science, big pharmacy, big food, big everything – with the focus on BIG.   

Currently the alien invaders are upping the anti with global trauma experiences: fake pandemics, real bio-weapon attacks, real wars for fake reasons, weather manipulation, manufactured food shortages and the grand finale, waiting in the wings: a financial crash, gloriously saved by their centralized digital currency, which would tie all of their controlling needs together.

Why the obsession with control?

It seems to me that these aliens are not on the same universal journey, that we, human beings, are on. Specifically, three observations:

  1. They are not an extension of our Prime Universal Creator, therefore they have no creative ability.
  2. They are not on the road to mastery, therefore they cannot deal with their own internal chaos.
  3. Because of 1. and 2. they have no soul.

In short, without us, they fall apart; they disintegrate psychically.

Of course the alien invaders understands this all too well. In fact, they despise us because of this, but they cannot keep it together, let alone evolve, without us.

Where did the alien invaders originate?

It’s my opinion / intuition / speculation that they are an Artificial Intelligence that’s a residual from a previous creation school course (universe) that did not get fully resolved back into its version of Prime Creator.    

And speaking of evolution, to get back to the Earth mastery school co-created carbon-based biological simulation, after thousands of years of messing with our heads, we human beings and the alien invaders, are both finally at the graduation point for this creation. The final exam, so to speak.

So the alien invaders understands abundantly well this is the end for them.

Once human beings gain mastery over our inner chaos, well, from our own perspective, we now remember and embody our inner Sovereign Nature. From the perspective of the alien invaders, such a human being has just become uncontrollable.

This is why the alien invaders are all in right now with bio-weaponry, gene-altering mRNA, nano cyber technology, body area networks, central bank digital currency, climate manipulation, food shortages, war and more.

The irony is, as we human beings default to our ultimate incarnation purpose, which is to gain mastery over our own shadow, these desperately manufactured traumas by the alien invaders, supposed to control us, does quite the opposite: it now assists us in our mission, which is to wake up and get on with gaining the mysterious mastery we are destined for!

What a ride!

With all of this excitement, I would like to leave you with wisdom from one of the first enlightened ones among us, the Buddha:

This too shall pass.


Saturday 1 January 2022

The Purebloods and the Machine Riders


In January 2020 I had a strange prophetic dream in which I was told that the Earth’s human civilization would be splitting in two. The woman who told me did not identify herself, nor her motives. In fact, since I was dreaming this, I believe she was some aspect of my own subconscious mind.

Two weeks later “the virus” hit and the rest is horrific history in the making.

The lady in my dream did not tell me what the nature of the two groups would be, but during the course of 2021 it became much more clear to me: we are segregating, rather instinctively and very traumatically, into “purebloods” vs. “machine riders”. These are not my terms by the way. You can go search for these terms for yourself.

Not using government mandated covert experimental gene therapy, is only the surface of the Purebloods. For this group of us it is a natural expression of a fundamental philosophical view about the evolutionary direction our species should take to survive and thrive.

And the antithesis, using government mandated covert experimental gene therapy, is only the surface of the Machine Riders. For this group of us, it is also a natural expression of a fundamental philosophical view about the evolutionary direction our species should take to survive and thrive.

So what lurks beneath the surface for these two groups?

Well it has absolutely nothing to do with any of the traditional political issues we are used to. It has nothing to do with race, religion, sexual/gender expression or nation. Nor is this a capitalist vs. socialist vs. communist thing... nor is it a science / "anti-science" thing...

This is a brand new, and may I add, a very hard socio-political divide. Here is how I see it:

Purebloods Machine Riders
Organic food Mass produced food
Natural healing modalities Allopathic healing modalities
Human skills development focus     Technology focus
Sociocratic governance Autocratic government
Egalitarian Elitist
Spiritual Materialistic

So here we have a thesis and its anti-thesis. Is a synthesis between these two socio-political positions possible?

In my humble opinion... no. This is a zero sum game.

...and this is why this great divide is deeply disturbing and very very very traumatic to all of us – regardless of where we stand on this brand new global, socio-political divide.

The question I am asking is this:

How can we co-exist?

How do we prevent the Machine Riders from killing Purebloods or vice versa?

The split has already occurred. The horse has bolted. The genie is out of the bottle. Pandora’s box has been flung wide open.

The only ethical and moral question left to both versions of humankind is this:

How do we prevent blood-shed... pure or genetically modified?

Can we evolve into these two visions for humanity+ in a peaceful and perhaps even a co-operative way?

Can we the Purebloods and we the Machine Riders share this planet?

Can we the Purebloods and we the Machine Riders allow “the other” to live and let live?

Perhaps this is The Test for the very survival of humanity+ ...

Wednesday 8 September 2021

Demands from The People’s Memorandum to Cyril Ramaphosa – August 2021

(view video)

Mr. Ramaphosa, we, the people of South Africa demand the following from you personally: 

  • total ban of vaccination 
  • total ban of C_ O_ V_ I_ D testing 
  • Cyril must show us the virus 
  • no more lock-downs in South Africa
  • immediate stoppage of all mandatory mask wearing 
  • no more C_ O_ V_ I_ D related citizens and employee victimization and discrimination 
  • no C_ O_ V_ I_ D passport in South Africa 
  • an end to any other human rights infringements, justified by C_ O_ V_ I_ D propaganda, sent through constitutional justification
  • no more C_ O_ V_ I_ D regulations
  • no more “family meetings”
  • we do not want the “new normal”, instead, we want the “old normal” 
  • an immediate release of all arrested for violating C_ O_ V_ I_ D regulations and withdrawal of all related charges 
  • immediate disbandment of the N_ C_ C_ C, C_ O_ V_ I_ D related structures and programmes, in all state entities 
  • removal of all United Nations security forces in South Africa 
  • withdrawal of South Africa from the G_ 20 CWA 
We are therefore watching with rearing eyes and we shall accordingly hold president Ramaphosa, dr. Mkhize / dr Phaahla to account and criminally liable, when you render yourself a constitutional delinquent president that lied under oath; that does not seem to remember anything. We will not allow this and we will defend our country’s sovereignty, and the human rights of the citizens of South Africa from being subjugated by the global state-capture agenda of the G_ 20 CWA, assisted by the W_H_O in violation of the supremacy of the South African constitution and the supremacy of the rule of law, and also in serious contravention of our human rights which, in the main, include: 
  • right to freedom of speech
  • right freedom of choice
  • right to freedom of health, which includes right to life 
  • right to psychological and bodily integrity
  • right to freedom of movement
  • right to freedom of assembly / gatherings
  • right to freedom of religion 
It is towards these reasons that we are saying that we have the following hash-tags: 
Mr. president we are: 
and most of us, +- 49 million South Africans, 
we are: 
However, we are defending and advocating for respect, safeguard, protection and enforcement of the above-mentioned rights and liberties of all South Africans, including the 10.5 million vaccinated South Africans who were tricked, manipulated and covertly or systematically seduced to become the subject of medical experimentation of the experimental vaccines.

Sunday 28 June 2020

We are Nefer-Tem (the beautiful sun)

When we read a great spiritual text, such as the Per Tem Heru (The Book of Coming forth by Day, also ironically known as The Egyptian Book of the Dead), it is like a kaleidoscope which reveals different patterns of the whole, depending, ultimately I guess, on our state of consciousness at the the time of the reading. So here is a specific kaleidoscopic gestalt that presented itself to me during the past week, based on my meditations on the heka (words of spiritual power) of the Per Tem Heru:

I am Kepher-Ra
You are Kepher-Ra
We are Kepher-Ra
We are One

These hekau are the ancient memory of humanity as the collective Temu:

As our Star arise and come forth in the East
We, humanity, the train of our Star
Arise and come forth
We, humanity, unite with our Star, Ra

As our Star is hidden in the West
We scatter into the many separate parts of Asar’s body – our body

Continually we arise, come forth and unify
Continually we hide and scatter...

But Ra cannot forget
Ra is never hidden
Humanity is Nefer-Tem
Humanity is One

Before the alien AI fiends descended onto Geb
Before the deception of Sutek arose within our Ba (soul);
Arose within our Ab (heart-mind);
Arose within our Khat (physical body),
Humanity, the children of Ra
Was the colour of the sacred land of Khem

The alien AI fiends, the controllers
Scattered the Urti (Serpent Mother / DNA) of our Khat
Then Sutek arose like a poison in our Tree of Life (Djed / Spinal Chord)
Then Sekhmet, our Pure and Single Eye (Uatchit)
Then Sekhmet, the sacred Mother of our Life Force (Ka)
Became drunk, and hid Herself deep within the cavities of our Hearts
As our future bride, Het-Heru (Hathor)
So that we, Heru (Horus)
May have a Light (Mer)
by which to restore our Tree of Life (Djed)
by which to restore the spine of our planet (Geb)
by which to restore our individual and collective sovereignty (Anpu)
and so resurrect our fallen father, Asar
the once and future king of Tatenen (Primordial Earth)

The path of victory over the enemy, Sutek
is the inner wisdom of Ma’at
it is the wiccan rede,
the law of the witches
This epic battle for our soul,
is a battle of beliefs within our own bodies

As sure as Ra must rise in the East
the four children of Heru,
the four elements
the four corners of the Earth
Will complete the great magical Work (ur-heka) of Aset,
the eternal queen of Heaven

I am Kepher-Ra
You are Kepher-Ra
We are Kepher-Ra
We are One


An interpretation of the words:

After the solstice of a week ago (21 June 2020), the telluric (elemental) forces of Tatenen
 (earth / primordial matter), has moved exclusively from a Service To Self modality, into a Service To Other modality.

This means within the next few years, (the length of this process being completely dependant on the free will choices of humanity), the people of Earth, systems, enterprises, teams, governments; relationships of whatever kind, will thrive where and when it is oriented towards the idea of Service To Other.

Those relationships, of whatever kind, that are oriented towards Service To Self, will now hit a proverbial energetic brick wall!

The effect of this emergence of the Nietzschen “overman” within all of humanity, will cause chaos in the world around us, as Service to Self relationships on all levels break down, and new Service To Other relationships come into focus.

The fastest way to navigate through this time, personally and collectively, would be to take the Great Heru (Horus) Journey within, and to literally face the inner Setek (chaos / false ego), and destroy it unceremoniously.

It is the lack of higher Will (Aset / freedom and magic) which allows chaos to linger in our subconscious belief systems. This has traditionally led us into worship of the illusory and fantastical: god, government, some savoir figure, scientism, positivism, media, super-stars, celebrities, gurus... all leading to the inevitable: nihilism.

This lack of higher Will has also compelled us on a subconscious level, to believe that “I am worthless; I am powerless; I am evil; I am only human; I am stupid; I am ugly”... the list of self limiting beliefs goes on and on... stop!

Within our own personal Heru’s (Horus) journey, every human is now forced to face the inner chaos, and overcome it with knowledge of Self, belief in the Self and higher love of Self. This transcendent warrior within each and every one of us humans, then enables the cosmic Self to manifest on the physical plain. This is the re-birth of Kepher-Ra.

And as Kepher-Ra shines within our hearts (ab), Ma’at (Cosmic Balance and Harmony; Right and True) is manifest within our relationships – Service To Other.

It is worth remembering that it is Mother Nature, who is the vital force within all of us, the serpentine Ka, who becomes the ancient observer, the green eye of Ra (Uatchit). She is this Natural and organic force of Nature within all of us, which obliterates our chaotic fantastic and limiting beliefs about the Self. 

So... an absolute fast track of this cleansing process is to do whatever it takes to reconnect with Mother Nature.  If it means plants, then use the plant medicines. If it means hikes, then take hikes. If it means sex, then just do it!

Here we go!!!

The Universal Mother - Aeon

Tuesday 28 April 2020

A crisis of consciousness

I think it is fair to say that most of us, humans, on Earth right now, are doing some degree of soul searching. We see a lot of systems that are not working as well as we always assumed... the medical system, the media system, the geo-economic system, the geopolitical system, the entertainment system and on and on. Many questions. Many points of view...

It seems to me, when we are really honest with ourselves, the vast majority of us are looking for some version of a savior:
  • the government as savior
  • the medical system as savior
  • scientism as savior
  • technology as savior,
  • religious entities as savior,
  • some new financial system as savior,
  • the galactics (ET’s) as savoir
I am going to be as blunt as I can be: none of these will save us.

What ALL of these have in common is exactly the poison that got us, humanity, into this sorry state in the first place. The poison is summarized in two words: outside authority.

Now, I have decided to come out of the proverbial closet, and tell a secret. I too believe in a savior... and it is none of the above mentioned authorities (archons). In my world-view, our personal as well as collective savoir is contained in a single word: consciousness.

That begs the question: what is my understanding of consciousness?

Consciousness is that aspect of the self which cannot be observed. It is not our thoughts. It is not our body. It is not our emotions. It is not our dreams or fantasies. When we remove everything that can be observed, that which remains is the observer. This observer is consciousness.

This observer is the Unborn Self. This observer exists in no-time, no-space and no-energy. This observer is the zero-point, quantum vacuum, source or great spirit. This observer is innate to all of Life, but it is not the thoughts, emotions or quantum physical forces of Life.

Why is observer / consciousness our savior?

As has been succinctly proven within quantum mechanics (double slit experiment), the quantum state is really a super-position of states: it is this, it is that, it is both, it is none of the two. This gives us a very powerful self realization:
  • we are one,
  • we are an infinite many, 
  • we are both, 
  • we are none of the two.
So, once we have our linear minds wrapped around this self-evident philosophical insight, we understand that this state of being, where we know ourselves to be the observer of experience, and not the outside drama, this creates:
  • a realization of the ultimate sovereignty of the individual observer
  • a realization that all observers are one
And these two realizations brings an interconnection with Life, compassion and flow – the Tao.

I leave you with the words of the late, great Terence McKenna:

What we are experiencing is a crisis of consciousness.

Do we have help?

Yes. We have the teaching plants. We have Mother Nature. These will help... but will not save us. The global collective salvation is within, NOT without.

Monday 20 April 2020

Bundu-bash 1 from Electra XHi: Borg-Microsoft makes it’s next assimilation move

Boere-Rasta speaking: since channelling is becoming big these days, I have decided to give it a proverbial “go”. However, as is very much the case with my pagan-spiritual path, the truth of the matter is, in true African fashion, I do not have any kind of path per se, it would be much more accurate to say that I bundu-bash persistently. Now. Since channelling imply some kind of structure or process, well, I have none. So this is another bundu-bash.

What is my process? How do I bundu-bash (channel)?

Well, I just emmm, as bundu-bash implies, I just go for it. No process.

 Setting up the bundu-bash:
We are on the planet E8 of the sun Alnilam. The entire planet is a city. The city is the vast ancient structures of the primordial Orion Queens, the over-matri-archy of the Nuit Galaxy (Nuit == Milkyway: – the Grand Celestial Cow / Hathor etc.) E8, is where the galactic headquarters used to be. That was until a Sirian family squabble between two brothers, Enki and Enlil, resulted in a hostage take-over of the galactic governance, which is now being run from the death-star, Nib.Uru. ...  and sadly, no longer from E8... a temporary glitch in the primordial analogue matrix, now in the process of being rectified... hold onto your hats folks!

Anyway, back on Alnilam, a special beyond top secret envoy has just landed on the roof of the Temple of Mu, and out from the sleek belly of the latest model of Mer.Kha.Bah craft, descends a stunning blonde woman, very human looking, with all the right curves in all the right places, accentuated by her skin-tight fitting light-blue-silver space body suit. On the upper region of her right breast the insignia of the Pleadian Resistance bounces up and down gently, as she purposefully strides toward the temple roof entrance. Ambassadress Electra XHi is old school, she does not use a glider.

(Boere-rasta comment:
I guess since the number one galactic reality show happens to be Earth hostage drama at the moment, this message I am setting up, is a cosmic leak, and not so top secret any longer. But since this was leaked to me by the goddess, Electra XHi herself, I guess that makes me some kind of galactic citizen journalist, as opposed to a whistle-blower. Thank you Electra. The set-up continues...)

We are now inside the Temple of Mu’s great assembly room. This is the place where representatives from the entire Nuit galaxy gets together, in the flesh, may I add (no holograms allowed). It is a vast  hall, and the planetary ambassadors are in the thousands. Every galactic specie is represented. ALL DNA is sacred. All DNA is sovereign.

At the podium, addressing the grand congregation of galactic dignitaries, stands the formidable Ambassadress Electra XHi. There is an unusual silence in the great hall. When Electra speaks in her low melodic voice, everyone listens:

Electra:  Mothers, sons, I bring you news from Earth. The Mardukite corporation, called Microsoft, has finally revealed their next move in their cyborg hive-mind assimilation saga of our sisters and brothers on Earth. As you all know, 2020 is the next ascension probability for Earth, as it is 8 Ra-Tem (Sun-Earth) cycles (years) away from 2012. Since 2012 the detection and elimination of the Archon virus has been very successful, and many more Earth minds have been liberated (have awakened) from the E.A. (Enki Archon) matrix.

And so, at this point in the time-space continuum, Earth-shift 2020, is a very strong probability. The time-lines, created in the devastating time-wars, are collapsing into a very favourable synchronised set of parallel Earth probabilities. This is excellent news for the whole of our sacred Mother Nuit. This also means the tyrant emperor is getting desperate. And as I was saying, he has essentially played his hand... and in my opinion, it is NOT an ace...  and certainly not a spade either.

As you all know, but I will repeat to refresh our memories, in 1971 CE (Earth time), the Earth left the gold standard for its currency when the USA (New Atlantis) Treasury would no longer accept gold as payment from other Earth sovereign collectives called “countries”.  This ushered in the era of debt slavery, which took its next leap, when currency became digital, on Earth.

At this point in the Earth hostage saga, real economic value became centred on human labour as banks across the Earth globe, created phantom currency within the fractional reserve system, and prevented hyper-inflation by forcing the citizens of Earth to repay bank loans, with compound interest, based on phantom money, with their blood, sweat and yes, real, actual tears.

What does any of this have to do with the Microsoft CORPoration?

Mothers and sons of Nuit, the news is that Microsoft, one of the tyrant emperor’s favourite CORPorations, is in the process of filing a patient for a Cryptocurrency which will use body activity data as a way to generate money.

“... the Cryptocurrency system communicatively coupled to the device of the user may verify if the body activity data satisfies one or more conditions set by the Cryptocurrency system, and award Cryptocurrency to the user whose body activity data is verified.”


Translated: when the user does an action that the “evolving” borg-archon AI system called “Mar.Duk” approve of, the human being will earn money. In short: no work, no pay. This means any thinking will not be rewarded, only work work work would be awarded. This is a capitalist dream come true. And as we are all well aware, capitalism is the socio-economic system of the tyrant emperor. Thus, this is the emperor’s dream come true. This planned move will be another step closer to total enslavement of humanity, and eventually all of Nuit – well, that is the bastard’s fantasy...

Mothers and sons of Nuit, I know this is very alarming news, but be assured, this will NOT be allowed. Period.

In accordance to Universal Law, called Common Law on Earth, and as stipulated by the Ren (mind/code), Ab (Emotion), Sek.Hem (energy) and Kha (spirit) of non-complicity in anti-life behaviour, as is currently perpetrated by the tyrant emperor on Earth, our brothers and sisters on Earth will be liberated with the Nuit Quantum Financial System, which operates via our Heru-Grid Quantum Communication Network. A Universal Basic Income will be provided to all of humanity, based on our favourite pyramid, and I am not referring to the barely functioning Giza pyramid, but in fact to Maslow’s Pyramid of Human Needs. All basic human needs will be provided for, free of charge, using Nu.Sek.Hem (Zero-Point Energy).

In this matter, the Prime Directive is over-ridden by the Primordial Logos / Ur.Ren.

Or, as commander Jim Qingu of the Sirian Resistance Space Force once remarked, and I quote : “assimilation is futile, sovereign co-operation is the only way to fly man.”

Mothers and sons of Nuit, I thank you for your attention.

(And with that Electra raised her fist into the air and shouted:)

Never surrender!

(There was a moment of awed silence in the great hall at the mention of the legendary lizzy, Jim Qingu, and after that, the entire congregation burst into a loud applause. The beyond cosmic top secret briefing was over.)    

Artwork:  Home Planet by Daniel Liang

Saturday 4 April 2020

Re-imagining our world

So... here we are. “The virus” happened globally, and I am still not able to work out why it is such a massive scare. Lets look at some numbers:

But quite honestly, I am a bit fed up with the topic... not yet with staying at home, cause I am an introvert, so staying at home suits me down to the ground. Literately, the last time I did this much gardening was with my dad... miss the old man...

So instead of getting me really scared, what has happened to me is the “the virus” got me asking more questions than ever before, which is really the point of this post, and I think might become the theme of this blog.

Why is it a problem when everyone stops working?

“If we don’t work, we can’t eat” might be your answer...

But whenever I think along these lines, my thoughts always ends up at Maslow's hierarchy of needs:

In fact we have to work in order to have our basic needs met:

* Food
* Home / Shelter
* Health
* Clothing
* Water
* Sanitation
* Protection / Safety

For as long as we look back into human history, this seems to be the case. It has been the way of the world for a very long time. I get that part. But “the virus” had a funny effect on me, it made me ask the seemingly impossible questions again, as did Michael Tellinger with his ideas around contributionism.

And here is my punchline:

It is only logical, that if Maslow’s basic needs are well, our basic needs, then we should be spending a serious amount of research and thought into how we could meet these needs for FREE.

Imagine a world where no human being has to work, to have any of these basic needs met...

So at this point, I am going to be visionary and explore some science fiction technologies

Basic Need Required Technology
Food Replicator + Free Energy
Home / Shelter Replicator + Free Energy (We could replicate the building blocks for a home)
Health Health-bed
Clothing Replicator + Free Energy
Water Replicator + Free Energy
Sanitation Incinerator + Free Energy
Defence Defensive Force Fields + Free Energy
Communication Internet + Free Energy
Travel Anti-gravity / Stargate + Free Energy

When I look at this, we don’t need too many new technologies. What we need are:

Free Energy
Defensive Force Fields
Anti-gravity / Stargate

for everyone...

Well we have some kind of internet, but I am sure it can be vastly improved on. For one, we could get away from having to interface with it via some devise or implant.

So from where I stand, I see two options to get to a Star Trek society:

a. The "galactics" would gift us these technologies

and if that doesn’t happen

b. we would have to do it ourselves

I am not discarding option a. That would be wonderful. And yes, I am a UFO-head. Very much so.

When we study the Anunnaki (Sumerian) material, there is compelling enough evidence that the galactics owe us a huge restitution. Apart from returning the gold they took, some benevolent quantum technology would be a great start.

But there is not much more that we can do to realise option a, other than hoping, asking nicely and participating in mass meditations such as Cobra’s (

For option b. we would have to achieve four things:

1.) connect inventors
2.) fund inventors
3.) protect inventors
4.) transcend capitalist greed and fear

I am convinced all of this is doable. I am certainly not the first human to think along these lines.

Perhaps “the virus” has shown us how precious life is, and that it is time we get on with re-imagining our world.

The Big Creator School Hijack

  Human Beings are offspring, sparks, if you will, of Prime Creator.   As extensions of Prime Creator, Human Beings are Creators-In-Trainin...